
"Trials and Tribulations of an A-Hole" August 8 - 10, 2014

6 for 12 Productions creates original, cutting-edge, and slightly racy dance theater using the plethora of talent available in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The movement carries the plot and the narrator ensures the audience fully “gets it.” The productions are evening-length and created in their entirety, from the story-line to the narration, by the production team lead by Ila Conoley Paladino and Christian Medovich. Ila is a choreographer and professor of dance; Christian is a set designer, lighting designer, technical director, and freelance visual artist. Their opposite backgrounds and personalities along with their varied areas of expertise meld perfectly to create innovative dance theater with vivacity and balls.

Mission Statement: Six for Twelve Productions is dedicated to providing opportunities for professionals and students from various backgrounds throughout the Colorado Springs community to work together on innovative, cutting-edge productions.

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